Head protection terminologies

Head protection terminologies

Few injuries are more fatal than head injuries. Concussions, brain injuries,permanent or temporary brain injuries are just some of the possible outcomes of a blow to the head. The basic personal protective equipment required for every worker is a safety helmet. Additionally , workers who are exposed to potential electric shocks need to protect  against that as well. One of the most basic personal protective equipments required for any worker is the safety helmet 


Bump Cap : A bump cap is a head protection gear designed for protection against low clearance objects only. A bump cap is not to be used in lieu of a hard hat where a hard hat is required

Cap Style :refers to the safety helmet that has a brim in the front side  of the helmet only 

Brim: The rim surrounding the shell

Full Brim: refers to the safety helmet that has a brim that wraps around the entire safety helmet, as compared to the cap style safety helmet where the brim is only in the front of the helmet

Four Point suspension: refers to the number of clips that connect the suspension to the inside of the safety helmet. Safety helmets usually come with four or six point suspension

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Chinstrap: An adjustable strap that fits under the chin to secure the helmet on the head.

Pin Lock: Refers to the safety helmet suspension that adjusts to the head size by means of set of holes on the one side of the strap and little pins that snaps into the holes on the other side 

Ratchet: Refers to the safety helmet suspension that adjusts to the head size using a ratchet adjustment knob. Simple, easy and quick, this allows the safety helmet to fit the wearer's head tight and comfortably

Harness : The complete assembly by means of which the saftey helmet is maintained in position in the head, which include the  headband, cradle etc

Headband : Part of the harness surrounding the head

Cradle :The fixed or adjustable assembly comprising of anti-concussion tapes  and nape strap when provided.

Anti Concussion Tapes : Supporting straps  which form the cradle

Peak : The extension of the shell above the eyes

Shell: The hard smoothly finished material that provides the general outer form of the safety helmet

Ventilation Holes: Holes provided in the shell to permit circulation of air inside the safety helmet

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